Have you ever wondered why we are who we are? Where do our strengths and weaknesses come from? Why is it so hard to eliminate negative thoughts or fears that hold you back in life?
We all have strengths, and we all have challenges.
Some of the challenges are physical, and some are mental. Some people have a tendency towards certain diseases and physical weakness while others may find it hard to manage anxiety or depression. Many people find it hard to achieve their potential, to follow the path they believe is there for them.
Where do many of these challenges come from?
How many of these challenges are from our upbringing? How much comes from the way our parents raised us and our teachers taught us?
Did we feel supported as we were growing up? Were we made to feel confident in ourselves, were we encouraged to eat right and to exercise? These factors certainly play a part in our physical and mental health in life.
How many of these challenges are from our cultural beliefs, the thinking of our current times and the effects of the collective energy that is impacting us from the environment? It is easy to look back into history and see how the thinking of that time was not so useful for people. What if the current thinking and cultural beliefs are actually effecting our energetic balance?
How many of these challenges come from times past and our connection to imbalance and disharmony in the lives of others that came before us? How many of these challenges and imbalances come from past lives remembered and carried into this life – a pattern repeating itself over and over? Do you have any of those?
How many of our challenges are inherited down our family line?
Do we just inherit physical traits like eye color or do we also inherit mental traits and beliefs?
More importantly, is there anything we can do to change how inherited patterns affect us?
The short answer is yes and yes.
Yes, we inherit tendencies towards having certain thought patterns and beliefs.
And yes, we can overcome these inherited challenges
We now know from modern study of genetics, including the study of epigenetics, that we inherit far more than a tendency towards blue eyes or brown eyes, that we also inherit traits like anxiety and depression, or the courage to try new things (or lack thereof).
Epigenetics is really the study of how of how energetic factors influence how our genetic code is expressed. Our genetic code can contain many things, but not all of them will show up or be expressed into our lives. And we now know that these things can change.
The expression of our genetic code is influenced by the electrical field surrounding each cell – which is created by the electrical field of the mind. If you have chronic fear and anxiety, this will end up changing your genetics. If you can shift your mind to a healthier state, this will also end up changing your genetic expression – for the better.
The research shows that if somebody if somebody had a bad childhood, say with a lot of emotional stress and strain from either physical or verbal abuse, they are understandably likely to develop an anxiety disorder. We also know that that prolonged anxiety because of upbringing will actually change the person’s genetic code in a way that they actually can pass it on to their children and grandchildren.
This is the new understanding of genetics that we have now: we inherit everything or a tendency towards everything, and that the state of our mind energy field actually rewrites our genetic code throughout life
How can we change these things so that we are healthy, happy and living our best lives?
The good news is that we can work with the energy field of the body in order to shift these deep problems, including those that we inherit from our ancestors, our culture and the collective energy of the current times. We can also address those issues that are inherited from past lives, which some people are effected by more than others and can make up themes in their life that disturb the energetic flow and function of their whole mind body system, repeating patterns and imbalances over and over.
Because the mind is an energy field that encompasses the whole body and the state of this energy field drives epigenetic expression, it’s important to be able to balance the body at all levels – body, mind, and spirit.
In Accunect Zoom Mind Online we teach you a way to find specific inherited patterns so that you can balance your client’s body mind around the specific influences that are creating imbalance. You will also be able to practice and receive the balancing’s to shift these patterns in yourself.
These can be
- Traits that we inherit from our ancestors
- Belief or thought patterns that we inherit from our culture
- Or thoughts or memories in collective consciousness that we inherit
- Other events in history that affect global consciousness
- Energetic imbalances and patterns from past lives with strong held thoughts and beliefs that individuals find hard to let go of even though there seems to be no obvious connection with their own life situation
In the Accunect Zoom Mind Online course, we teach you a methodical way to use muscle checking to discover or highlight influences that that have been inherited that are really not serving the person. And then when we go to do the Accunect balancing, by focusing on the right issues and the surrounding story that generates the pattern, we can shift the person’s energy field, and clear the pattern so they are no longer being affected by that.
Inherited patterns from many areas play a huge role in the idea of where our thoughts come from, which is one of the basic premises of Accunect Zoom Mind Online.
We all know from from experience that it is extremely difficult to generate and control our thoughts at will. We are affected by a whole range of influences from our subconscious and energetic patterns that affect what thoughts actually come into our minds.
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