True Mind Body Spirit Healing
Find YOUR Health Map™.
Take YOUR path to optimum healing and your full potential.
Mind Body Energy Medicine Excellence
Accunect is a STATE OF THE ART, healing system that SUPERCHARGES HEALING and ‘LOCKS IN’ results fast. It’s great for all mental, physical and spiritual issues as well as for addressing those tough cases that "nothing else touches".
If you want to be on the CUTTING EDGE in your practice - Accunect is the latest in holistic healthcare. It helps modern day issues using the latest knowledge and technology from many healing traditions. It works powerfully, clearing mental issues like anxiety and depression to improve a feeling of well being ... also eliminating physical issues such as pain, digestive issues and injuries. It is the latest in truly holistic mind, body, energy medicine. It is 'The Medicine of the Future'.
Accunect identifies YOUR OWN UNIQUE Health Map™ - addressing the root causes, it's your individual path back to health and healing. This Health Map is based on your own make up, life experience and health history and will take you, your family or your clients into a STATE OF RAPID HEALTH AND HEALING.
Accunect is super easy to learn and to do - anyone can learn to use the simple tools and energy of Accunect, including people who use it to support their own health and the health of their family. 1000's of healers, practitioners, and coaches worldwide have learnt it and are using it in their practice today.
Accunect's safe and non invasive techniques, SUPERCHARGE your bodies' ability to heal as nature intended. Accunects simple but powerful system addresses the unique Health Map for each individual, alongside the powerful Accunect energy that makes it so trans-formative.
The synthesis of modern and ancient wisdom such as traditional acupuncture theory, cognitive behavioral approaches, modern neuroscience knowledge and tapping techniques, PLUS your own Heath Map gives YOU and YOUR CLIENTS the fastest path to a BEST FUNCTIONING SELF.
State of the Art Tools
Ancient and Modern Wisdoms
High End Treatment Learning
Accunect Happens in 4 Simple Steps
Step 1: Your Practitioner Connects to Accunect Healing Energy
Your practitioner taps into the healing energy and vibration of Accunect.
Each practitioner has been taught to connect to this unique and powerful energy - aligned with ONENESS and universal consciousness - your practitioner is able to address your body holistically on all levels, mind, body and spirit. Along with using the Health Map and bio-feedback techniques, this energy is the pathway for your highest and best purpose and is your fastest route to health and healing.
Step 2: Your Practitioner Finds Your Own Unique Health Map™
Your practitioner will locate your own UNIQUE Health Map™ with biofeedback techniques to find what to balance depending on YOUR OWN LIFE STORY, YOUR OWN health history and areas of imbalance that are causing pain, disease, emotional distress and spiritual disconnection. Any number of things will show up on your health map to be balanced. This will happen in the most perfect, direct and effective way for you.
An issue with any part of our Mind Body Energy System will create stress in the system and can affect the health and function of any part of our mind or body. We can't know with our logical mind every single persons keys to unlocking health for them, or what needs to be balanced for each individual. So we The Health Map to locate the things that your body system needs to be addressed - that is why Accunect has such AMAZING results - it is tailor made for YOU.
Any number of things will show up on your Health Map to be balanced. These may include the things below:
Step 3: Boosting and 'Locking In' Your Results for Change
Your practitioner develops a unique formula specifically for your balancing. They use SUPERCHARGED FOCUS and light touch methods, including tapping techniques to 'LOCK IN' and BOOST your healing.
Your bodies own internal awareness, brain, nervous system, heart center and the acupuncture meridian system are activated to stimulate your bodies healing ability. The correct areas are highlighted to address all levels of your system - mind, body and spirit - NATURAL FUNCTION and HEALING occur.
Step 4: Balance and Healing Happens - Natural Health Restored
Accunect helps restore your body’s natural balance and BOOSTS your body’s healing ability.
INTERNAL STRESS AND OVERWHELM IS RELEASED - stress that has collected in your body's memory from emotions, limiting beliefs, and trauma as well as physical stress from toxins and illnesses are released. Any of these factors reduce your body’s ability to function at optimal levels, resulting in further illness and disease.
Accunect will address these factors - Natural health, balance, super efficient function, vibrancy and a sense of calm and well-being are optimized. The bodies resources and regeneration of cells are plentiful, your body creates lasting health and healing - so, you can get on with your life and live the HIGHEST AND TRUEST EXPRESSION of yourself.
Its like pressing RESET on a computer - sometimes your system gets overwhelmed and needs to RESET so it can re-group and start functioning at optimal levels.
What is Accunect Good For?
What Are People Saying About Accunect?
"5 year old boy - headaches went away,
started engaging socially... zero nausea."
Last week I worked with one 5 year old boy... For about 3 months he was suffering from headaches, battling social anxiety, acting sensitive, becoming jealous of his sister, periodically complaining of nausea, and eating very little... After one session his headaches went away, he became happy, started engaging socially in a positive manner, experienced zero nausea and his appetite skyrocketed YAY!!
"Long term and overwhelming anxiety - free of anxiety"
I had an amazing session... This individual has been experiencing long term and overwhelming anxiety that shes been taking medication for... she said... "I just gotta say that I really don't remember the last time I have felt so free of anxiety, like anxiety is not a thing in my mind or body ... I feel so good."...she was so tense and in such a tough place when walking in and left beaming,,,"
"My Coworkers Dog is Cancer Free!!!!"
"I have a fantastic update to my post from February... I did an in person session back in February form my coworker's dog for cancer in the fascia above her scalp. I performed 4 distance sessions as well ... I am so elated to report that ... my coworkers dog is cancer free!!!! I'm so thankful that I was led to this amazing modality."
"...I saw a friends face clearly for the first time today... I'm so excited!"
“This is a lady who is insulin-dependent diabetic... for 2 years she had been using a cane for the blind, as everything is cloudy except for a few inches away. We did a session 2 days ago, and this is what she has to say: "...sitting there under the lights, I got this bad headache, ... I leaned my head back… and when I opened my eyes… I started to see… My right eye is seeing clearly!! I mean it’s really getting stronger. (The headache was gone)… I am so excited! I can see things I haven’t seen for two years!! I saw a friends face clearly for the first time today, and I thought she was her daughter! I’d not seen her clearly before… it’s so cool to see… and I am buzzing!""
"Complete evening of the pelvis balancing ilium rotations. Her pelvis was one and one half inch out."
"I always enjoy how the body responds to Accunect. The picture on the top is the pelvic misalignment of my client today pre-treatment. The pens are placed under the ASIS or Anterior Superior Iliac Spine.
The balancing was the memory of a car accident/MF brain/lumbo-sacral pairs/sacrum coccyx pair. The picture on the bottom is the result. Complete evening of the pelvis balancing the ilium rotations. Her pelvis was one and one half inch out."
"3 - cm thyroid nodule disappears after 1 session."
“3-cm thyroid nodule disappears after 1 session. My suspicion is that my client is spending a lot of time biting her tongue. Not sure if that has changed, but she stopped the thyroid nodule bit!”
Neck Pain Free
"When is neck pain not really neck pain? Well for this Yoga teacher numerous bodywork sessions from different therapies couldn't touch it... Three weeks ago we did Accunect and simply did three balancings in her session. When she came in this week she had been pain free for three weeks."
Knee Pain 8/10 to Zero
"I was having much left knee pain for six months... and the last two weeks 8/10... The MRI shows three meniscus tears and some small cysts... the second day of the retreat the was down dramatically... as the week went on ... the pain is a 1/10... Last Saturday I had to go downstairs one step at a time. Today I carried a 40 pound bag of salt in each arm down twelve flights of stairs with zero pain."
"Huge Shifts in Health" and Acupuncture Pulses...
"My Client was struggling with health issues and seeing an Acupuncturist. She asked me to tune in ... and it was, stomach meridian connected to the emotional clearing technique... Sarah taught in her class recently online... She saw her acupuncturist again, and she looked at her tongue and checked her pulses and was in complete awe of the changes.
She also reported huge shifts in her health after the use of the clearing technique and the balances!
Just wanted to say thank you for this amazing work!"
Years of insomnia - changes recorded on Fitbit
"I’ve done a couple of sessions with a lady with years of insomnia issues. Always wakes up at 2.30 liver time. Today she showed me on her Fitbit how her sleep patterns have totally changed with before Accunect and after Accunect graphs. Totally cool to see technology recording it."
"I have always hated heights... when my
kids ... asked to go on the big wheel I said yes..."
“This is a picture from a Big Wheel ... It might not seem much to a lot of people but I have always hated heights. Thanks to Accunect when my kids 8 & 10 asked to go on the Big Wheel I said yes “whilst tapping like mad”. I really enjoyed the experience and know I will be trying plenty of new things in the future. Accunect has helped me live in the now and stops me projected my negative thoughts. I just want to share more of these miracles with friends, family and clients."
"At her second session follow up... she is vertigo free."
“Female late 30’s came into the clinic complaining of vertigo for a number of weeks. Enter Captain Accunect from Future Medicine Today.
At her follow up session the symptoms had diminished about 60 percent. At her second session follow up, third visit she is vertigo free.
Many different issues can cause vertigo. In this lady’s situation we used a targeted approach by asking what her body/mind needed to balance or bring more awareness to. Can it get much easier?"
"I had a client yesterday suffering with very bad back pain ... who was prescribed a cocktail of medication she didn't want to take ... I met her this evening ... going for a 40 minute walk and her posture was completely different..."
"I may be at the start of my journey as an Accunect practitioner but it really is so powerful.
I had a client yesterday who was suffering with very bad back pain and had attended her doctor who prescribed her a cocktail of medication which she didn't want to take. .. I met her this evening... and she was going for a 40 minute walk, her posture is completely different ... This is all down to the power of Accunect."
"My aches and pains are from joint degeneration and arthritis in my lower back and knees... after the third session I was pain free."
“...Over a two month period I have received 6 Accunect sessions... My aches and pains are from joint degeneration and arthritis in my low back and knees.
After these sessions I have noticed remarkable improvement. I can walk up and down stairs with no pain. I can bend over and get back up without any trouble. In fact after the third session I was pain free.
I have also been going through a period of tremendous stress for several months and surprisingly my general attitude also improved with Accunect sessions.”
"Client of mine has struggled with skin outbreaks... he's doing 90% better overall. Freaking cool!!"
"A bodywork client of mind has struggled with skin outbreaks since October
of last year. He visited many doctors and worked with some alternative practitioners to try and find help and answers. One of the people he worked
with at a distance does BodyTalk and actually helped to write the book
“Touch for Health”. I respect that practitioner A LOT! Anyhow, no relief
was found for my client. Because of the help you all provided me with,
I was able to talk to my client about some of the ways Accunect might benefit him even though he couldn’t see it as different as what he already tried.
It’s helping!!! Twenty days ago (our first Accunect session) his skin looked
like the first pic. The rash was all over but this is of one body part. Today,
we met for a third session and he stated that he’s
doing 90% better overall. No new outbreaks and all the old
outbreaks are slowly clearing. Freaking cool!!!!”
Really aggressive dog - to sociable dog
“How well Accunect works with animals... I volunteered to do some distance work on the dog named Larry a while ago. Larry had to be kept separate from all the other dogs because he was really aggressive. After two Accunect sessions the lady who owns the animal sanctuary sent me this picture of Larry with another dog. Her caption was, this never has happened - Larry sitting with another dog. I hope it worked out for Larry and his new owner.”
"A week later... the dizziness is a thing of the past."
“Some things are good when they spin.... However not a person’s equilibrium.
This had been an on-going issue for quite a while with no help in sight for this client. Using her personal health map using Accunect we were able to check and find out what her body needed to function in a more balanced state. A week later, giving her body time to “do its thing”. The dizziness is a thing of the past.”
Accunect Gets Measurable Results
With presentations by Caroline Myss. Larry Dossey MD, Don Kaimi Pilipovich DAc, Thornton Streeter DSc & others.
Gas Discharge Visualization Imaging: the bio-field can be seen very scattered and broken in the before image on top, before the healing. Immediately after healing the field is greatly improved with less flaring and bio-photon emission leaks. Notice how the bio-field in the side profile images in the before healing images reveal the same thickened pattern - this is significantly harmonized. Picture form the paper Distant Healing Study by Thornton Streeter DSc. Don Ka'imi Pilipovich DAc et al, Presented at ISSSEEM 2010, 'Evidence Based Spirituality'.
What Are Practitioners Saying About Accunect?
"I was absolutely blown away ... I have been looking for "more" with my sessions and this course offered me access to the "more"
"I would rate this workshop as EXCELLENT. I was absolutely blown away at the depth of the course, the incredibly detailed and useful handouts, and Sarah's delivery of the information was insightful, and heart felt... I have felt truly different in my being since experiencing this course. I have felt more empowered with a clarity about what I want in my life and have found it easier to make decisions toward that. This first week after the course, my sessions went even deeper... I have been looking for "more" with my sessions and this course offered me access to the "more". My intuition has more clarity ... with deeper knowingness and certainty.
Feels amazing. I have had an incredible week... This work is POWERFUL and deeply fulfilling!"
Deb Mazaneck, VA USA
Physical Therapist, Craniosacral Therapist & Mind Body Medicine & Accunect Practitioner
"I have gained a great sense of liberation ... A weight has been lifted and my sessions have become so easy."
"I have gained a great sense of liberation since taking Accunect. I used to have a complex mind so I had the belief that for something to work really well it has to be very complex... I would double check everything in the fear of not doing it right and I allowed my intuition to play a very little part.
A weight has been lifted and my sessions have become so easy. I found the section on using our intuition so amazing, that was a huge ah ha moment for me. I realized that I have an intuition and it works really well. I used to be really caught up ... that I could never be as good as others ... but I have let go of all that now. This is my kind of teaching. Thank you."
Patricia Insley, Ireland
Massage Therapist and Accunect Practitioner
“I have struggled with a client over the years to get results... I started doing Accunect... After only two sessions her back pain is not even noticeable, pelvis remains balanced”
“I have struggled with a client over the years to get results I am happy with. She has tried chiropractic, physical therapy from a very proactive and respected PT. Everyone focused on the physical treatments and trying to get her pelvis to hold alignment.
A number of weeks ago I started doing Accunect with her. After only two sessions her back pain is not even noticeable, pelvis remains balanced and she realizes the emotional aspects of issues that she is holding onto that really do not serve her very well and it is time to let them go. Pain free with a little enlightenment thrown in is pretty good. With bodywork the different layers that needed to be addressed were unattainable because it was outside of the scope of Bowen, chiropractic and other interventions...”
Jim Adcock
Body Work, Cranio-Sacral, Bowen and Massage Therapist,
Accunect Practitioner, CAP
"I have gained a more powerful and quicker method of helping others to heal... I am thrilled, humbled and extremely grateful to be able to help others attain better physical, mental and emotional health..."
"Since taking Accunect I am a happier, more loving person. I have gained a heart connection to Oneness and to others...
I have gained a more powerful and quicker method of helping others to heal. I find Accunect to be an effective, gentle and heart-centered transformation to health and joy. I am thrilled, humbled and extremely grateful to be able to help others attain better physical, mental and emotional health through Accunect sessions and exposing them to this transformational energy."
Charmine Rone, OR USA
Energy Medicine and Accunect Practitioner, CAP
“I have been able to release anxiety and PTSD that I was suffering from for so many years”
“I can truly say I would not be as healthy, if even still alive today, had I not found Accunect. Plus, I found my future!! I have been able to release anxiety and PTSD that I was suffering from for so many years before studying and receiving Accunect which has also allowed my eyes to heal so that after 40+ years of wearing glasses, I have shed them too!
Now I am able to enjoy life and help others with their issues too.”
Margene Barr
Accunect Practitioner CAP
"The modality supercharge has been a wonderful addition to my practice and has been very powerful with my clients... I am blown away by the responses my clients give after sessions.
There is so much more to the emotional clearing. My clients find it beneficial because often the results are INSTANT - putting them back in a space of relaxation, calm, ease and connection with themselves and their environment. The more we use it the less reactions to stressful situations occur. There is an increased ability to make clearer choices, with less of an emotional roller-coaster. For myself – I find it helps with instant clearing of my emotions, which is so important to me as I have nicer and more useful thoughts which propel me forward. It is simplistic and powerful all in one.”
Angelique Koster, South Africa
Massage Therapist, Energy Medicine Practitioner & Accunect Practitioner CAP
As You Can See...
Accunect Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, "Are YOU and YOUR Clients Next?"
Accunect Founders
Accunect stands on the shoulders of many healing systems and practices, PLUS 50+ years of clinical practice and experience teaching others to do healing, and practitioner development.
Sarah Simonis and Dr. Don Ka'imi Pilipovich created a healing system for the modern age, that they could teach to others quickly based on the synthesis and development of theories and practices they use in their clinic and experience of teaching different healing therapies for many years. Accunect was created and developed by observing what works treating 1,000’s of clients in clinical practice and teaching 1000's of students. Accunect was born out of the marriage of taking the best from both of Sarah's and Ka'imi's experience, with the intention of creating a healing system that had powerful results, was easy to use AND EASY TO LEARN - making it available to everyone. By bringing together the BEST OF MANY different theories, they created a healing system that is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Sarah Simonis has a background in many modalities including Chinese Medicine with a specialty in consciousness awareness development. Dr. Don Ka'imi Pilipovich is a trained manual therapist is a Dr. of Accupuncture and previously taught at the Traditional Chinese Medical College of Hawaii.
Copyright © 2011-2023 Future Medicine Today, Inc. All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy
Accunect and Future Medicine Today are registered trademarks belonging to Future Medicine Today, Inc.
Accunect and Intuitive Health Mapping is not a replacement for medical treatment when necessary.
If you have a medical emergency please call your doctor or 911.
We provide international training programs, transformational seminars and educational materials in the fields of consciousness based healthcare and 21st Century medicine. We give people the keys to unlock potential on all levels: mind, body and spirit, both for themselves and for their clients. We are committed to helping people experience their connection to each other and to universal consciousness to facilitate their spiritual growth and to promote the bodies healing ability.