It should be more than about helping others – it should be a wisdom path that ends in faith.
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When I ask people what attracted them to study healing work, they usually say they want to help others. That’s nice goal, and it’s where I started, so I get it.
I also think that if you shift your focus to making about growth for you that you get more out of it, it’s more sustainable, and as a side benefit you become a much better healer.
I’ve been practicing energy healing in one way another for over three decades. Like many people attracted to doing this kind of work it started with a desire to help a loved one who didn’t seem well served by allopathic medicine. I dove into researching complementary approaches: chiropractic, acupuncture, acupressure, nutrition, herbs, tai chi, and more.
Acupuncture seemed to help the most, so I took a beginner course in Shiatsu-Anma acupressure massage to be able to complement the acupuncture treatments that seemed to be helping.
I practiced on other students in the class, and when people heard I was studying Shiatsu they volunteered to be practice bodies.
I wasn’t looking to change careers at first. I had a degree in computer science with top honors and a very promising career ahead of me. I was working on a NASA subcontract to develop artificial intelligence learning systems for the Space Station. The most sensible thing from a financial planning perspective would have been to keep developing my career in software.
But several things happened that changed my mind:
- I discovered that I enjoyed connecting with people more than I enjoyed working with computers.
- After only a bit of training I started getting results with lots of health conditions with clients: back pain and neck pain I expected but I was also seeing people get better from things like heart arrythmias, digestive problems, infertility, headaches, allergies, menstrual pain and more.
- Even though I didn’t really understand how working on the energy flows in the body through acupressure could have such profound results, I really enjoyed watching what seemed to be miracles.
So, I quit my job as a computer scientist and continued my studies in Shiatsu-Anma. I also studied Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbology, osteopathic manual therapy, and applied kinesiology. I became a licenced shiatsu massage therapist and licenced acupuncture physician.
I became fascinated by the mind and body connections discovered thousands of years ago and wanted to learn as much as I could.
The more I learned about the bidirectional link between mind and body and how the energy in the acupuncture meridians connected mind and body, the more curious I got.
And the deeper my understanding went, the more I was able to connect to my clients. When I explained that their physical ailments were connected to meridian imbalances, and then further explained that they were associated with certain kinds of emotional stress or challenges they could finally relate to what was a happening. It became something that they might have some power over. In contrast, the medical perspective on their problems usually boils down to: “your body isn’t making enough of this chemical and rather than trying to find out why we’re just going to give you some medication.”
A simple example is that when the Spleen meridian is weak you tend to worry too much. And when you worry too much, you weaken your Spleen meridian. And weak Spleen energy weakens your digestion and your immune system. You end up having too many food sensitivities and get too many colds, or are tired all the time.
This kind of explanation shows people what they can change to get better. Instead of giving people a diagnosis of something wrong, I was giving them hope of how it can get better.
Growing Wisdom
Growing up, I had never considered myself particularly good at social skills or understanding people. I was good at math, and I was good at programming. People just seemed more complex and less understandable. I was more of a geek or nerd than anything else.
Suddenly, I was understanding people better than I ever thought was possible. I was making deeper connections that I ever thought was possible.
I remember one lady some years ago who at the end of our first session told me her reaction to the session: “I’ve been married thirty years, and my husband is a good man. He wants to understand me: he asks me about what’s going on for me all the time. I couldn’t ask for a better or more caring husband. You’ve known me for an hour, and I feel like you know me better than he does.”
That was pretty mind-blowing praise to my ears considering that for the first half of my life I considered myself a science nerd who didn’t “get” people.
I started to realize that my journey wasn’t purely about being of service.
I enjoyed helping people, but there’s 8 billion people on the planet. If my reason for living was solely about being of service to others, what were the limits to that? It’s impossible to help everyone.
And of course I have to worry about myself. I need to charge for my sessions or I have to go back to programming to feed my family. And I have to make sure I am growing as a person because if we don't grow we get frustrated. Being frustrated is a terrible energy to bring to a healing session. I do serve others, but I also serve myself because what I do increases my ability to see the good and even the divine in others. I started to see my work as a wisdom path.
The more I studied and practiced the more amazed I became about the ability of the body to heal. It is nothing short of miraculous.
The body replaces up to 300 billion cells a day. Your skin is brand new every 30 days, the liver can be replaced in about 7 days after an injury, and the digestive lining is replaced every 4 to five days.
This rocked my world
The more my understanding and my enthusiasm grew my results just got more powerful and I started seeing “incurable” and “genetic” diseases resolve. This challenged my scientific world view (raised by two PhD chemists, then a degree in computer science).
I started studying epigenetics and I discovered that stress, both emotional and physical, can and does affect how our genetic code operates. And I learned that the way epigenetics works is that the energy field at the surface of the cell can actually change the genetic information in the cell. And the mind controls the electrical field of the whole body and hence the cell.
I also learned that if you could change the energy field of the body for the better, you can undo epigenetic damage and restore health.
The key is working on the energy systems of the body in order to change the mind and change the physical function of the body.
The idea that the mind supervised the nervous system and through the nervous system managed body function made perfect sense to me as a computer scientist.
The hardware in a computer can only actually do a few things:
- Move a number from one location to another.
- Add two numbers together.
- Test a number to see if it’s zero.
Everything else is software. Without layers of software, a computer is just a bunch electrical components assembled together. Almost everything we think that a computer does, it does by being managed by software. Software is like the “mind” of the computer.
And I started to see that balancing the energy of the body was a bit like installing a software patch for a bug or or damage from a computer virus. It's information that runs a computer and information that runs the body. Updating the information or intelligence of the body makes it run more efficiently.
How can the body be so amazing? What intelligence allows this?
The more I learned how to identify and balance every energy system in the body, the more I realized how powerful the underlying intelligence of the body was.
And it made me wonder where this intelligence came from. I grew up going to church and learning that God made everything in seven days. And I also was raised by scientists and raised to believe that Darwin had actually made a convincing argument about evolution and how we got here. I was just used to ignoring the contradiction in these two world views and not thinking about it very clearly.
I was beginning to understand the famous quote from Werner Heisenberg, the father of quantum physics:
“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
The more I studied about the incredible complexity and resilience of life, the less I could entertain a mechanistic viewpoint about the creation of life.
I started studying criticism of Darwin’s theories and came to realize that this was another example of a flawed theory that has become dogma to the point where people are ridiculed for questioning it.
But the theory falls apart under examination. For a start, Darwin’s theory cannot explain:
- How a living cell can form out of non-living material. Still no credible theory and zero ability to produce this in a laboratory. If you can’t produce a valid test your theory is not science, it’s wishful thinking.
- The sudden of explosion of new species in the Cambrian era that have no ancestors in the fossil record – no evidence of minor mutations producing a new species from an old one.
- No explanation for how whole complex systems can form all at once from rare and random mutations. Even producing an organism as simple as a worm required the sudden appearance of complex structures that would have required many thousands of mutations to happen all at once in one organism. Statistically this is impossible, the math simply doesn’t work.
It's hard to look at this with open mind and not start wondering if there is some kind of intelligence that is beyond our understanding that has produced the complexity of life.
As I said I was raised going to church, so my first reaction to thinking about some larger intelligence is to think of God. I’m also quite happy with thinking about this larger intelligence field as Universal Consciousness, Collective Consciousness, Oneness, or Tao.
Putting the theory into practice
This idea of believing in an intelligence field is reinforced with how we practice Accunect. We use self-muscle checking to access our intuition. And we get answers that seem to be relevant and seem to be helpful in the sense that they lead to a positive change in both mental and physical health.
Much of the time, we get led to answers that we could not have possibly known consciously because the client has not shared any information that could have led us to know that.
It turns out that our subconscious mind is connected to Universal Consciousness and using muscle checking to access intuition is really getting information from a larger intelligence field, whatever you choose to call it.
Getting answers from beyond your intellect and then having those answers lead to healing results is awesome for your sense of faith. Faith that the body was designed to be incredibly resilient, faith that we can heal, faith that we are not alone, and faith that if you ask the right questions, you will get answers.
What about You?
So far, I’ve been talking about my path. I’m enough of a scientist that I know that if you think you know how something works, the only way to test that theory is to see if you can teach others to do the same thing.
I’ve been teaching energy medicine internationally for over twenty years, and the people I teach also get answers they couldn’t possibly have known, witness amazing healing results, and end up deepening their faith.
One of my students had no healthcare training but left his career as a truck driver to do Accunect full time. Early on, he called me to say: “I don’t really understand what I’m doing, but people are coming to me with cancer and other really scary conditions. All I do is ask questions using the Accunect Health Map, do the balancing, and they’re getting better. What’s happening?” I told him that he was doing it right – Accunect starts from the premise that the body was designed well and all we have to do is ask for answers about what has gotten out of balance and then the body heals itself the way it was supposed to. He continues to watch miracles every day and to feed his family in a way that deepens his faith in his connection to Higher Power/God every single day.
Working on faith makes you a better healer
I’ve taught thousands of students to do energy healing with Accunect. They can all do the work as soon as they finish the course. Over time, we’ve come up with better ways of teaching that allows us to both communicate the knowledge and also give enough practical experience to develop faith in their ability to facilitate healing.
We know that our mind reaches outside the body and influences others from neuroscience research.
When you believe that the body is amazing, healing is possible, and the Universe/God will answer your questions about how to help, your energy field shifts. And that affects others. The more faith you have, the more your mind and energy field affect your client’s mind and energy field. Your client then feels intuitively that they have finally come to the right place. This already starts to take them out of fear and fight or flight nervous system to allow healing before you even start the Accunect session:
Practice, practice, practice
Like anything else, the more you do something the better you get at it. Practicing Accunect gives you the experience that everyone can do healing work, even you.
This is why we include several months of weekly support calls with all our online courses. You can watch the lectures as many times as you want and in your own time. In the support calls you get to give and receive Accunect healing sessions with others.
The lectures give you the knowledge of how to do the work.
The support calls give you lots of experience in feeling connected to Universal Consciousness, feeling connected to others, and increase your faith in what is possible in terms of healing and your ability to facilitate healing.
The results are life changing. Every call results in stories of amazement and gratitude after the practice sessions in breakout rooms.
It’s like a practical course in how to watch miracles. You get enough support and practice time to really experience what’s possible, and then it becomes part of how you see the world. This sets up more positive expectations and that is communicated subconsciously through your energy field to the client and supports the process.
To learn more about what Accunect course might be right for you, book a free consultation to discuss it: